BeamGage is a state-of-the-art beam profiling system that performs extensive data acquisition and analysis of beam parameters, such as beam size, shape, uniformity, divergence, mode content, and expected power distribution. The Photon family of products includes NanoScan scanning-slit technology, which is capable of measuring beam size and position to sub-micron resolution. A unique, non-uniformity correction algorithm handles two-point correction plus bad pixel correction to improve image accuracy. A team of researchers at the Fraunhofer Institute for Laser Technology is investigating laser polishing for tribologically stressed surfaces, sealing surfaces, and laser deburring of sheet edges. The system can analyze different light sources, from lasers to LEDs to optical fibers, compare key statistics, and provide 3D viewing in real-time. BeamGage Professional adds such capabilities as partitioning of the camera output for separate analysis of multiple laser beams from sources such as fiber, a. Next Previous Products Index. beamgage

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BeamGage Beam Analysis Software | Ophir, Photonics | May |

A team of researchers at the Fraunhofer Institute for Laser Technology is investigating laser polishing for tribologically stressed surfaces, sealing surfaces, and laser deburring of sheet edges. Over the past 25 years, the company has specialized in cutting nonmetal materials such as acrylic, wood, textiles, and foils.


The system can analyze different light sources, from lasers to LEDs to optical fibers, compare key statistics, and provide 3D viewing in real-time. The compact beamgahe, high-efficiency, wavelength, and beam characteristics of high-power direct-diode lasers make these light sources ideal for many heat-processing applications.

Laser welding using optical coherence tomography OCT for guidance allows sophisticated trajectories while producing high-quality laser welds.

The BeamGage Training DVD " provides an in-depth look at how to get the most from your laser using this powerful analysis software. Presented in 14 video chapters, the training covers the features and power of BeamGage. Beginning in NovemberDr.

The Custom Computations function allows importing of user-generated custom algorithms created in C or. BeamGage is available in two versions: The company's precision industrial laser, punch, and bending capabilities will be showcased in the Technology Center's 13, sq. High-quality microfeatures and patterns can be machined cost-effectively with process flexibility using picosecond bfamgage.


By integrating laser welding into the railcar manufacturing process, Bombardier has been able to minimize the number of required component parts, insure integrity of welds through advanced inspection processes, and reduce overall assembly costs while main.

Designed by Kestrel Web Services. Their modular, customizable solutions beamgafe manufacturing, medical, military, and research industries throughout the world.

Ophir-Spiricon Announces New Training Tools for BeamGage®, Laser Beam Profiling System

Next Previous Products Index. For more information, visit http: With over 40 years of experience, Ophir Photonics, a Newport Corporation company, provides a complete line of instrumentation including power and energy meters, beam profilers, spectrum analyzers, and goniometric radiometers.

BeamGage is a state-of-the-art beam profiling system that performs extensive data acquisition and analysis of beam parameters, such as beam size, shape, uniformity, divergence, mode content, and expected power distribution.


BeamGage Bezmgage adds such capabilities as partitioning of the camera output for separate analysis of multiple laser beams from sources such as fiber, a. BeamGage includes more than 55 measurements and calculations, many based on ISO standards.

All-optical-fiber technology provides on-the-fly beam shaping for a variety of industrial welding processes, eliminating bulk optics and laser head changes for improved productivity and quality. A unique, non-uniformity correction algorithm handles two-point correction plus bad pixel correction to improve image accuracy.

The module has utility in laser cutting of transparent materials, such as flat panels for cell phones, displays, and solar cells, which require long, precise cuts made within a very short time.

Ophir-Spiricon Announces New Training Tools for BeamGage®, Laser Beam Profiling System

NET interface for full remote control when integrating beam analysis into an automated application, and camera sharing. XEVA delivers high sensitivity in the NIR spectrum nm at room temperatures, making it useful for both laboratory and industrial applications. BeamGage Standard features BeamMaker beam simulator, automatic camera control for ease of use, and a comprehensive set of beam analysis algorithms.

The Photon family of products includes NanoScan scanning-slit technology, which is capable of measuring beam size and position to sub-micron resolution. Industrial Laser Besmgage Editors. Also included are tips and tricks on how to get the most from BeamGage.


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